What Are You Doing?

I want to ask you something. Are you doing everything God is asking of you when it comes to the dreams you have for yourself and your life?

That was the same question I had to ask myself several weeks ago. I am over a year in with wordsbytara.com, and while I have made progress towards my dream, if I am totally honest in many ways, I am still playing it small.

I know I am playing it small when certain items on my things to do list keep showing up on the new lists I create. I know I am playing it small when the feeling of restlessness invades my soul, creating an uncomfortableness that I know will only cease to exist when I do what I have been resisting the most.

What about you? When you look at your life right now, are there areas that you are playing small? Not living up to your fullest potential?

I realized I wasn’t making it happen because of my old friends' fear, procrastination, doubt, and resistance. Sometimes their power is so strong that it makes me shrink back, and I momentarily defer to them.

What I have learned is their power has lost some of its strength. Those old friends of mine are no longer are able to send me into hiding. They are no longer able to paralyze me from taking action.

I know their power is only fueled by my decision to give them power. Whenever I don’t do the things I need to do and want to do, I take myself away from my dream. But each time I take action and make decisions that take me closer to where I want to go, I gain power, I build momentum, and I invest in my dream.

But... I also know there is more I can do. And maybe you know there is more you can do to make your dreams your reality.

For the month of June, I have created Make It Happen monthbecause sometimes you just have to stop making excuses and start taking action.

There comes a time when sitting on the sidelines of your life and your dreams run their course. Wishing, thinking, planning, hoping, wanting, talking, imagining are good to do, but it’s not enough. It’s not enough because, at a certain point, we have to take the necessary steps to make our dreams our reality, to change the trajectory of our lives.

You know what you want to do. It’s the thing you have spent so many sleepless nights thinking about, tossing, and turning. It’s the dream you can’t let go of, the one that is firmly embedded in your heart and mind. You want it. You can see it. And yet you do nothing about it.

Or maybe the steps you have taken have been the kind that amounts to dipping your toe into the shallow end of the pool when you know you just need to fully immerse yourself.

So if you want to step it up as a Dream Maker, then June is your month.

This month we will:

Have a made-up mind and commit to the dreams and life we want to live. We will decide to pursue our dreams and stay the course no matter what.

Make the hard choices and do the scary things we have been putting off.  We will challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zones, take risks and try different things.

Not make excuses; we will be creative in finding ways to get things done. Excuses keep us playing small, staying safely tucked away in our comfort zones.

Move from where we are to where we want to be. The only way to get to where we want to go is to start doing the things and making the decisions that will take us there. It's the only way to get things done.

Join me in Make It Happen by clicking here to sign up and receive your free worksheets to help you get started. Then be prepared to receive in your email throughout the month ideas, information and inspiration to help you go to the next level with your dreams. Make It Happen begins on June 1st. 

What dream or goal have you been pushing off to the side that you know you need to Make It Happen? Send me an email or post a comment; I would love to hear from you.

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