A Reminder That You Are Enough

I came across this poem and wanted to share it. It's a good reminder that despite any fears, doubts, or insecurities we may have, we can't let them stop us from following our dreams. The poem reminds us that we are enough just as we are.

Yes, You Are Enough!

You are enough!
No matter what they have told you
You are enough.
No matter how you feel
You are enough.

The days where you feel you can't get it right
You are enough.
The days that are dark inside
You are enough.

The moments of doubt
You are enough.
The moments of fear
You are enough.

The days that you are being knocked over by other's words
You are enough.
The days where no one seems to notice the tears
You are enough.

Stand up now and hold your head high
You are enough.
Stand up and let your soul shine
You are enough!

                                    -Cristina Alfaro

How can you remind yourself daily that you are enough? Send me your thoughts and comments.

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