Pursuing Your God Inspired Dream Means...
" To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe."
-Anatole France
I was thinking about what it means to "pursue your God inspired dreams". For everyone, it will mean different things. Here is a list of ten things that show what it means to me.
Pursuing My God Inspired Dreams Means:
2. Committing to doing everything that is required in order for my dreams to be realized.
3. Having unshakable faith in God and his ability to provide everything I need.
4. Acknowledging my fears and moving forward in spite of them.
5. Stepping out of my comfort zone and moving into the unknown.
6. Believing in myself and my gifts.
7. Staying connected to God as he directs my path.
8. Making a difference in the lives of women.
9. Being an example to my children of what it means to honor your purpose.
10. Living a life that is a true reflection of who I am.
Not sure of your purpose and your God inspired dreams? My e-workbook will help you to discover what it is you were created to do. You will also be able to create a five day, mini-action plan to start living your purpose.