Don't Worry, Be Happy

"Do not be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there." - Unknown

Today, I am sharing an article from my bi-monthly column over at

Many years ago there was a song by singer Bobby McFerrin which included the signature verse, “don’t worry; be happy”. In this toe-tapping, feel-good song, the singer encouraged people, through catchy lyrics, to not let the troubles of life get them down, but to instead focus on the brighter side of life.
In the pages of Luke 12:15-32(NIV) we find Jesus sharing this message with his disciples. He tells them worrying does not add any value or longevity to one’s life. We are reminded of God’s awareness of our needs and his ability to provide. Just as provisions are made for the birds and grass to thrive and prosper, the same is done for us.

What have you been worrying about lately? What will you do to let go of your worries?

Do you have a question or comment? Send me an email, I would love to hear from you!

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