What Is A God-Inspired Dream?

Part One of the Dream Maker Series

I often write about pursuing God-inspired dreams simply because I believe it is one of the most important things we can do in our lifetime. God-inspired dreams are part of who we are as individuals. The importance of these types of dreams is significant because of their potential to impact our lives and the lives of others in ways that can be life-changing.  

Over the next four weeks in this Dream Maker Series, I will focus on God-inspired dreams, what it means to be a Dream Maker and what you can do to live your dreams.

In part one of this series, I want to define what a God-inspired dream is for you to determine if your dream fits into this category. It's important to recognize that God-inspired dreams are not about the material things that society often equates with dreams. Instead, God-inspired dreams are about something deeper because they are directly tied to your purpose, the reason you were created. 

So, what exactly is a God-inspired dream? Below are seven common characteristics to help you answer this question.
  • A God-inspired dream is uniquely yours, given to you by God. It will be tied to your gifts, talents, passions, or experiences. No one else will be able to fulfill this dream except you. A dream from God is aligned with who you are at your deepest level.
  • A God-inspired dream requires sacrifice. Dreams from God will require you to make some difficult choices. It will ask you to let go of some things, whether it be your job, relationships, home, time, money, habits, or old ways of thinking. The greater the dream, the greater the sacrifice.
  • A God-inspired dream is deeply embedded in your heart and mind. You are not able to let it go. You may have tried to ignore it, minimize it or run away from it, but no matter what you do, the dream is still there.
  • A God-inspired dream will affect the people in your life. Some people who are close to you will not understand or support your dreams. You/or your dreams may be criticized. Family and friends may discourage you from following your dreams.
  • A God-inspired dream makes no sense to you, but you are compelled to do it anyway. The dream scares you and excites you all at the same time. You don’t know how it will come together, and you will have questions and doubts about how to make your dream a reality.
  • A God-inspired dream requires you to move out of your comfort zone. You will try new things, go to new places, and meet new people. The dream will challenge and stretch you in ways you could never imagine. 
  • A God-inspired dream serves people. Dreams that seek to serve others are not pursued based on achieving fortunes, fame, or material possessions. The dream instead grows from a sincere desire to help others and to make a positive difference in the world. Your dream is one where you would happily dedicate the rest of your life to fulfilling.

What are some other characteristics of a God-inspired dream? Is your dream a God-inspired one? Share your thoughts by sending me an email.

For more about pursuing your dreams, check out these posts:

Out of Your Comfort Zone
Five Myths About Purpose
God-Inspired Dreams

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